P l a n t a t i o n
May 28, 2018
You may have noticed new activity around our beautiful Deodar Tree. Two months ago, we found evidence of holes in our Deodar Tree. The city owns the tree and we own the land it grows in. The city was contacted, and they sent a Horticulturist, Mr. Aaron Campbell, who revealed that boars are attacking our tree. Mr. Campbell also had a second person who confirmed his findings. Mr. Campbell met with three board members and myself and stated that they can fertilize to strengthen the tree. This is to try and save our tree for as long as possible. He stated that they will continue to fertilize as long as the tree is responding. There is no direct way to treat boars to eliminate them and keep them from attacking a weak tree. We can only take steps to strengthen the tree. It was also discussed that the pine straw around the tree had no nutritional value, but by placing mulch it could benefit our Deodar Tree in a positive way. I would like to personally Thank some of our neighbors who stepped up on one or both weekends to work on the area around the tree. We removed the pine straw and after Mr. Campbell fertilized, we placed 31 cubic feet (two truckloads) of mulch around the tree. These special people are: Bob, Mary and Scott Rose, Cathy Miller, Eddy Mills, Willie Blocker, Joseph Jennings, Will Ray, Joseph Daniels, Stan and Susan Meeks, and my husband Tony. If I forgot anyone I’m sorry, you are all a blessing to our community.
Beautification Volunteer,
CJ Seaman